Τετάρτη 19 Ιουνίου 2024

Tango is everywhere

Torelli, tell the truth

What do you mean?

Come on Torelli, say the thing right away.

What truth? What thing?What are you talking about?

You would better spit it out, Torelli.

I am not a a snitch man. I dance!

It's getting heavy here. You shall say it now.

I don't know the hell you are talking about.

I know nothing 

Torelli, Dragone. now you shall tell the truth!
You are not gonna steal out tango,
Tango is inside of me
& inside of you all too!
Mariana Dragone, y Gaston Torelli
El cachivache Quinteto Orkestra
Tango de hoy
Tango is everywhere

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